Subdomain Takeover

What are subdomains To explain what a subdomain is you need to explain what a domain is. A domain name is the name of your website. So like or is a domain. This allows users to just type in a name instead of a ip address. This makes it so much easy to remeber a website. Back to what a subdomain is. All a subdomain is a prefox added to a domain name to separte a section of a website. Site owners primarily use subdomain to manage extensive section that require their own content. Subdomain function as a separte website from its domain. This distinction enables developers to develop a section of a website without muddling a site’s overall intent. ...

November 16, 2022 · 2 min

IP Address

What is a IP Address? An IP address is Internet Protocol Address. Basically it is the address to a computer. There are two types IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 is used everywhere but is every old. IPv6 is not used every much but is newer. IPv4 An IPv4 address looks like It is kinda of a complete technology to understand. So there is public and private address. Do to some compact math there are only 4 billion IPv4 address in the world but there are 16 billion internet facing devices in the world. I may suck at math but 16 is bigger than 4. ...

November 5, 2022 · 4 min


What is DNS? DNS is Domain Name Server, when you go to, computers don’t know what is but it does know what an IP address is. So you have a file on you computer that says equals If you want to see the IP of ping on any system. How does DNS work? So when you go to a site like First your pc check its DNS cache file then go to a local name server like your router or pi-hole. Then to a .com name server. Final to nameserver. If there are subdomains you want to go to then it will be the job of nameserver. ...

October 30, 2022 · 2 min

Uptime Kuma

uptime-kuma UPTIME-KUMA What is Uptime-Kuma? Uptime-Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool. I will say at first I thought this was dumb. Why would I need a uptime monitor system? When I run it just to give it a chance I fell in love with it because of one feature. The feature notification. You can send notification to email, discord, telegram, and etc. What are the ways to install it. You can install using docker, install script, or build it. I use docker because I love docker. I will do an article on it later. ...

October 7, 2022 · 2 min

Sata Cable Hack

SATA CABLE HACK What is a SATA cable SATA(Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) cable is an IDE standard first released in 2001 for connecting devices like optical drives and hard drives to the motherboard How does the hack work The SATA cable interfaces can emit radio signal during certain read and write operation. This will main be used in air-gap system because this systems do not have wireless connection.An attacker can use malware to hijack legitimate software process to preform vert specific read/wire functions that reflect the contents of the data that the attacker wants. You will need to first get access to this machines. You can use a bad USB or make some social engineering. This attack can only receive data about 4ft away. If they go further than that then they will get error bits and this attack only transfer at 1 bit/sec. ...

October 7, 2022 · 2 min

Pfsense Opendns

What is OpenDNS? OpenDNS is a DNS sinkhole. This allows you to stop people from going to certain sites that you don’t want them to go to. There is two version of OpenDNS called Umbrella this is the enterprise version and cost money. We will be using the consumer version called OpenDNS home. First you need to set up an account. You will need an email address, password, and public IP. Ones you login in. You are ready to start ...

October 7, 2022 · 2 min


PiHole Pi-Hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole and optionally a DHCP server, intended for use on a private network. This allows you to block unwanted stuff and websites on your private network.DNS Sinkhole is a mechanism aimed at protecting users by intercepting DNS request attempting to connect to known malicious or unwanted domains and returning a false, or rather controlled IP address. The controlled IP address points to a sinkhole server defined by the DNS sinkhole administrator. ...

October 7, 2022 · 3 min

How to Pass the Comptia Network+

How to Pass The Comptia Network+ What is the Network+ The CompTIA Network+ is a basic network cert. That goes over some general network stuff. Your companies may need you need to get certification for a promotion. What resource use you use? Professor Messor is a great resources. He goes thorough the objective in order. This could be a good or bad thing depending on your learning style. A another amazing resources is Jason Dion. His video can easily be made into flashcards. This is what I use for flashcards anki . His has practice exams. They are good but not like the exam. The exam did not have questions like “Bob is having trouble with getting a IP. What is most likely the issue?” They are still good to do to see what areas you need to work on. You can find deals with his Udemy on the weekend. ...

October 7, 2022 · 2 min


Why you need a strong password Password are really important they are basically the key to your inter live. Like if someone knows your banking password they could just steal all of your money. Another scenario is that if a hacker got access to your email then every could reset your password for everything then destroy your entire life. How to make a strong password It’s at least 12 characters long. The longer your is password is - the better Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. The more mixed characters the harder it is to crack Doesn’t contain memorable keyboard paths. This means DON’T use QWERTY as your password or any other memorable path. It’s not based on your personal information. Do not reuse password ...

October 7, 2022 · 3 min