Lis  [draft]

Install script If you are Artix Linux with runit then you can use what I use for my desktop Linux experience. The script needs a little bit of work still and I am working on it. There are still somethings that I don’t like but I am close if you want to install it you can go to my github or go to my home page on my website. If you are reading this in the future the script is on my website....

<span title='2022-10-15 15:13:23 -0500 CDT'>October 15, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min

Firefox  [draft]

What is Firefox Firefox is a browser different that the one your are most likely using. It is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundations. It uses the Gecko rendering engine to display web pages. Now people think Firefox is slow and old. Not like Google chrome. I would like to disagree. Although chrome is a great browser it is not like Firefox in the fact that you can customize it, it is not as slow as people think, it is updated as much as Google chrome, and that it takes less resources....

<span title='2022-10-15 14:08:38 -0500 CDT'>October 15, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min